John Knox Presbytery
The John Knox Presbytery is a middle governing body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The boundaries of the Presbytery include portions of the states of Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
The John Knox Presbytery consists of 55 churches; 6,942 church members; 103 minister members; 4 Commissioned Ruling Elders; and 4 Candidates and Inquirers Under Care.
Vision Statement
John Knox Presbytery is a community of communities: centered in Jesus Christ, linked to one another, and boldly responding to the Spirit’s call to join God’s mission. Serving in northeastern Iowa, southeastern Minnesota, and south central and western Wisconsin, we are called to turn outward: risking ourselves spiritually and physically to connect God’s good news to our neighbors, new friends, and the communities where we live.
Per Capita Information
2025 Approved Per Capita Information
General Assembly $10.84
Synod of Lakes & Prairies $5.50
John Knox Presbytery $23.66
Total $40.00